Australian Offshore Partner Visa - SC 309 and SC 100
Are you looking to connect with your loved one in Australia?
The SC 309 visa is an amazing temporary visa designed for spouses and de facto partners who are living overseas away from their Australian sponsors. This visa allows such offshore partners the ability to enter and stay in Australia with their spouses or de facto partners. What's more, after just two years on the SC 309 visa, you can apply for Australian Permanent Residency by way of the SC 100 visa.

Requirements for an offshore partner visa
- Be sponsored by a partner who is a permanent resident or citizen in Australia
- Be outside Australia when you apply
- Provide evidence of a genuine and ongoing relationship with your partner
- Maintain adequate health insurance
- Provide character evidence
Documents to be provided with a partner visa application
Identity documents - Government issued identity documents to prove your identity including Birth certificate, Passport, Identity cards
Relationship documents - Partner visa application require extensive evidence on your relationship including;
Financial arrangements
Arrangements in the household
Social aspects of your relationship
Commitment towards each other
Health insurance
Character certificates from any country you have lived in more than 12 months
Are you an eligible sponsor?
To sponsor your partner to Australia, you must be an Australian permanent resident or citizen and show that you are in a genuine and ongoing relationship with your partner.
However, you are prevented from making a partner visa application if you have sponsored a partner or a prospective spouse in an earlier occasion and 05 years have not passed since the date of such an application.
You can make another sponsorship application after the date you complete 05 years from the date of your previous partner or prospective marriage visa sponsorship application.
Every partner visa application should accompany a sponsorship application outlining the circumstances of the sponsor.
Offshore Partner Visa Processing times
The Department publishes processing times for all visas periodically. Currently, the processing times for SC 309 visa are:
- 25% of applications: 4 Months
- 50% of applications: 8 Months
- 75% of applications: 15 Months
- 90% of applications: 30 Months
Costs of making an offshore partner visa application
According to the visa pricing regulations provided by the Department the costs of a partner visa include:
- Primary Applicant - AUD 8,085
- Additional Applicants above age of 18 - AUD 4,045
- Additional Applicants below age of 18 - AUD 2.025
These costs include the costs for the permanent visa application (Subclass 100).

A sponsor should provide proof of his Australian citizenship or permanent residency. In addition he /she should also provide for his financial capacity to provide and manage the expenses of the visa Applicant
Just like any other visa application, partner visas also require you to undergo a medical examination after your application has been lodged.
- A SC 309 visa is valid until you are granted a SC 100 permanent partner visa
- You can apply for a SC 100 visa, after 02 years from the date of application for a SC 309 visa.